How do I apply for the Homestead Exemption?
Property Taxes
Exemptions are filed with the Board of Assessors located at 222 West Oglethorpe Ave., Suite 113, Savannah Georgia 31401, 1st Floor of the Pete Liakakis Government Building. The times to file are from 8:00am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Applications made on or before April 1st of the tax year are considered for the current tax year and applications made after April 1st will be considered for the next tax year. Taxpayers that file for homestead outside of the designated times will waive their exemption(s) for that tax year. Time for filing application for homestead exemption may not be extended. Automatic renewal of homestead exemptions applies only to the home originally exempted. For further inquiries, please contact the office at 912-652-7271.
Updated 6/17/2020 2:49 PM